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Capnometry You Can Trust

Intubated-Quality Capnography with a Nasal Cannula or Mask

Traditional oxygen delivery with a mask or cannula washes out end-tidal CO2 readings making them almost unusable. This becomes even more problematic when higher flows are needed. A typical CO2 reading looks something like this:

Bad CO2 readings with a nasal cannula

CO2 reading accuracy significantly improves when using the Sovant because it turns off oxygen during exhalation when it is not needed allowing for an accurate CO2 sample. Accurate end-tidal CO2 when using the Sovant provides much greater insight into the effect of sedation on patient ventilation.

Accurate CO2 readings with a nasal cannula
Accurate nasal end-tidal gas measurements using a cannula or mask are now a reality with the Sovant.

Next: Sovant Smart Oxygen Accessories